Learning amhariccan be a long and difficult process, but science offers several methods that can help speed up the process. In this article, we'll look at scientific methods that can help you learn amharicfaster.

The interval repetition method

The interval repetition method is based on the fact that we remember information better when we return to it at certain intervals. This method can be used to memorize new words and phrases in amhariclanguage. There are many applications and online services that use the interval repetition method, such as LinGo.

Sight and Hearing Combination Method

Sight and Hearing Combination Method is based on the fact that we remember information better when we see and hear it simultaneously. This method can be used to learn amharic through watching amharic movies and TV shows with subtitles. This will help improve your pronunciation and listening comprehension.

Feedback Method

Feedback Method is based on the fact that we remember information better when we receive feedback about our performance. This method can be used to improve grammar skills in amharic. There are many online courses that provide feedback based on your answers to assignments.


Mnemotechnique is based on the fact that we remember information better when we associate it with something we already know or remember it in the form of associations. This method can be used to remember new words in amharic. The mnemonic technique can also be used to memorize grammatical rules, for example by creating associations between a grammatical rule and specific examples.

Imitation method

Imitation method is based on the fact that we learn better when we imitate the pronunciation and intonation of native speakers. This method can be used to improve pronunciation and speech understanding in amharic. There are many apps and online courses to help you mimic pronunciation.

In conclusion, learning amhariccan be a long and difficult process, but science offers many methods to help speed up the process. Use interval repetition, combining sight and hearing, feedback, mnemotechnics, and imitation to reach your goal and master amharic faster.